Broughton Hypnotherapy Online

Empower your mental Health & wellness

Providing relief from symptoms of anxiety & stress.

Create a more joyful & peaceful way of living.

Hi! I’m Mari Broughton Wynn, Certified Hypnotherapist/Mindset Coach and founder of Broughton Hypnotherapy Online. I was certified through iHeal Institute in 2023 and I have been using hypnotherapy to help LDS members and other individuals gain relief from symptoms of anxiety and stress and find joy in their daily lives.

I previously worked as a massage therapist, and it was wonderful. But after 5 years of it, I realized something was missing. While I was great at helping bodies heal physically, so much of people's stress and tension came from their mindsets, old emotions, and past traumas, getting trapped in their muscles. I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with clients on the table regarding emotional healing. And it made me want more. I wanted to provide more support for the whole body, including the mind, and the spirit. Then, I found hypnotherapy through my massage business coach.

 It was like a whole new world opened up! I became my first client and I started to work and heal from old mindsets and belief systems that I had been holding onto for years! It’s still a daily work for me, but through the power of Jesus’ atonement and this amazing mindset tool, I have overcome areas of struggle in my life quicker than I thought possible. My mind is being repatterned to a healthier and more positive way of thinking. It’s making it easier to focus on what truly matters in my life. And I want to be able to share this with everyone. 

I’ve experienced first-hand how mentally and emotionally (and even physically!)  healing Hypnotherapy is. I’m starting to get more out of my head, actually relax, and find the joy in everyday moments. I'm now on a mission to share that experience with others as well, so you can heal and have those moments too, and more.

When I’m not with clients, I’m writing adventure stories, curled up with a book, or daydreaming out the window, gazing at God’s beautiful nature. I love browsing the bookstores, getting boba and sushi with my 2 lovely, intelligent daughters, taking walks, and having long and nerdy conversations with my awesomely supportive husband!

Breathe in. and Breathe out. And remember.

“Men are, that they might have joy.”

Please feel free to reach out via Text message or email.

(256) 258 - 9375 

I look forward to connecting with you and working together soon!

What is Hypnotherapy really?

This video tells you!

Check out my YouTube channel here!

(Coming Soon)

Get your Hypnotherapy questions answered by watching more videos or connect with me!


Thank you Mari!

I’m feeling very strong, encouraged and excited about my food choices!


Mari was wonderful! Doing hypnotherapy with her helped my body get into deep relaxation so that my subconscious mind could be open to the new truths we were planting there. She was great about helping me define the new affirmations that I wanted to work on believing. If you need to uplevel your game in working through difficult things in your life, I'd recommend trying hypnotherapy!


I sought hypnosis to help get through a difficult time with ease - as much as one can have during such a time. I have learned that hypnosis is a highly effective tool for me to use to make changes and get desired results fairly quickly.

Mari provided me with a much needed session of hypnosis through a very easy process. She asked questions to draw out what exactly it was I was seeking. Collectively, through our talk and what I believe to be her intuition nailed it. 

While the specific circumstances continue on, I have “perfect peace” regarding the outcome. Exactly what I wanted and deserved.

Morgan B.

Check out my Facebook for more reviews!